This document describes the methods used to manage the information contained in the website (hereinafter, the “Site”) in relation to the processing of personal data of users who consult the Site. This notice has been issued, pursuant to Section no. 13 of (UE) Regulation no. 2016/679 (so-called GDPR), for the Site only and is not meant to be applied to the other websites possibly visited by the user through the links on the pages of the aforementioned Site. Personal data will be processed according to the European and national laws.

Data Controller

Data related to identified or identifiable people can managed through the consultation of the Site. The Data Controller is Prof. Avv. Sara Valaguzza.

Where and how Data are Processed

Data collected through the Site are handled by Valaguzza Law Firm’s employees or professionals, specifically authorized by the Data Controller and under the control of the latter.
Data can be also processed by other external subject specifically appointed in occasional maintenance works.
In both cases, no data will be communicated, spread or disclosed to third parties.
All personal data are processed both in paper format and in electronic format for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were originally collected. Specific security measures are observed to prevent the loss of data, their unlawful or improper use and unauthorised accesses to the data.

Types of Data Processed

Navigation Data

IT systems and software procedures set up for the correct functioning of this Site collect, during their normal operation, certain personal data, which are transmitted in the context of the use of Internet communication protocols. Said data are not collected in order to be associated with identified persons, but may, on account of their nature, allow users to be identified through processing and associations with other data held by third parties. This category of data includes IP addresses or the domain names of computers used by persons accessing the Site, URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers), the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the digital code indicating the state of the server’s response and other parameters relating to the operating system and to the user’s IT environment. These data are used for the sole purpose of verifying the correct operation of the Site and are deleted immediately after processing. The data may be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of any IT crimes against the Site: without prejudice of the above, the data concerning website contacts will not held more than 7 days.

Data provided voluntarily by user

The optional, explicit and voluntary submission of an email address indicated on this Site results in the collection of the sender’s address and of other personal data that may be included in the request, which are necessary for responding to requests.
When a user asks Valaguzza Law Firm to send some information material, the relative e-mail address will be collected and processed according to this document.

Analogamente, la richiesta da parte dell’utente di invio di materiale informativo da parte dello Studio Legale Valaguzza comporta l’acquisizione dell’indirizzo di posta elettronica dell’utente, necessario per l’invio delle comunicazioni come richieste dall’utente.

Data concerning CVs voluntarily submitted to the specific e-mail address of the Firm.

Personal data included in the CVs voluntarily submitted to the e-mail address will be managed for the sole purpose of the selection and the assessment of the candidates. They will not be communicated to third party. In the event of a negative outcome of the selection process, such data will be deleted after 7 days. In order to verify personal data and making them integrated, updated, corrected or to exercise rights provided by Sections 15-22 of GDPR, it is possible to contact the e-mail address or the fax number 0286886750. Personal data (such as those concerning racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation) submitted to Valaguzza Law Firm without a prior written consent to their treatment will be immediately deleted.


No personal data of users is acquired by the Site through cookies. These files are saved in the user’s computer memory only to facilitate further accesses to the Site. Neither cookies nor the so-called persistent cookies of any kind or any users’ tracking systems will be used for the transmission of personal information. The use of the so-called session cookies (that are only temporarily recorded on the user’s computer and that are deleted as soon as the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the transmission of session IDs (made up of random numbers generated by the server) necessary to perform a safe and efficient exploration of the site. The user is able to block cookies at any time changing the browser settings as follows:

However, after the change of setting some features of the Site may not function correctly.

Voluntary Provision of Data

The user is free to provide his/her personal data by email to urge information, to submit an application to Valaguzza Law Firm. However, any refusal by the user to provide the above data may impair, in such situations, the obtainment, by the user themselves, of the information requested or the evaluation of the application.

Purposes of Data Communication Processing

Personal data are processed through the Site to address the information requested or the guarantee the proper functioning of the website. Except for the browsing data, personal data provided by users sending their CVs and requesting information will be only used to reply to and satisfy the request and will be communicated to any third parties only in the event that it is required for that purpose, or by the law, or it is absolutely necessary to fulfil the user’s requests. With the filling out and the submission of the forms “Contatta lo Studio” e “Recruiting” the user declares consent to the use of his or her personal details provided as described above. Personal data may be used to obtain statistical information in order to allow Data Controller to monitor and analyse navigation data, interactions with social networks and external platforms according to the user’s privacy settings related to each social network.

Right of the data subjects

Data subjects have the rights provided for the Privacy Law, among those (i) obtain confirmation of the processing or non-processing of personal data concerning him or her, (ii) verify the source of the data collected, as well as the reason and the purpose of the processing, (iii) obtain the identification details of the Data Controller and other authorized person, (iv) verify to those subjects data collected can be communicated to (or those who become aware of such data as designated representatives of the State or responsible or commissioned), (v) request that his/her data processed are deleted, turned into anonymous or blocked for lawful reasons, as well as the updating, the rectification or, where of interest, the integration of the data, and (vi) object, for lawful reasons, to its processing, totally or partially. Users may also, in relation to the processing of personal data described in this Privacy Policy, send complaints to the Italian Data Protection Authority. Sending an e-mail to the address, users finally may object to the data treatment for specific personal reasons and, in any case, for direct marketing purposes.